our mission

ETIC – European Timber Industries Confederation – was created to represent and defend, internally and externally, the interests of the European Timber Industry – in all its processing stages and sub-sectors – the European Furniture and Accessories Industries and the European Cork Industry.

ETIC has been given the mission to act as a close and dynamic European Institution’s interlocutor, especially in a moment when, as never before, the timber sector deserves to be listened to and be considered as a key partner in the ongoing transformation of the European economic models.

  • Be an agent of change in dialogue and of development of the European society, promoting and ensuring the sustainable growth of companies and the European economy, within the framework of globalisation;
  • Contribute to the affirmation of an innovative, certified, internationalised and sustainable entrepreneurial system, able to harmoniously promote the economic, social, civil and cultural growth of Europe;
  • Promote, support, develop and/or manage voluntary certification activities aimed at improving associative objectives and the best business results, inspiring its organisation and its way of functioning in a code of ethics and associative values;

Therefore, ETIC stands as the prompt and liable response to the urgent request of several European Timber Industry actors willing to have an authoritative and credible interface with the European Authorities to raise their concerns, namely in the field of sustainable economic & social development.


ETIC aims to enter the Brussels scene – and more specifically the Forest-Based Industries group of official representatives – with the resolute ambition of developing strong factual synergies. This approach aims to affirm ETIC’s values and ETIC’s intention to come forward as a complementary partner and not as an alternative to already consolidated Organisations.

On the social front, particularly, ETIC intends to play a proactive role in the European Sector Social Dialogue process and commit significant energies in the implementation of dedicated EU – granted projects.

Special attention will be dedicated to wood exports to extra-European Countries in order to keep due track of export flows, properly gauge impact on European Industry and reaffirm the principle of free trade and free access for all to the resource.

Additionally, ETIC is investing significant energy and resources to provide its members with real services, starting by the setup of a Certification Platform for wood-based products, aiming to endorse the sustainability of all the processing phases converting the raw material into a finished product.

ETIC headquarters are located in the prestigious area of the Square de Meeûs, a stone’s throw away from the European Parliament.

Accessing a wide range of real services, including the Certification Platform dedicated to timber-based products.

Vítor Poças


ETIC Chairman

Vítor Poças

It is an historical moment for the European Timber sector and I’m proud to be among the important and very determined promoters of ETIC. Our Confederation will be the loyal ally of ALL the wood value chain players, from ALL Members States, willing to join our ranks. ETIC will be an inclusive and really democratic body that aims to provide new momentum to relations between the sector and the EU Authorities. By its proactive attitude, ETIC will bring a breath of fresh air to the sector. And its journey has just begun!” – Vítor Manuel Poças, ETIC Chairman.