The members of ETIC, the European Timber Industries Confederation, have met in Brussels to endorse and launch the working program that will enforce the European Organisation’ strategy for the 2022-2024 biennium.
ETIC leaders have firstly approved the “pillars” on which the Confederation will be based:
- The providing of robust inputs to the European Institutions resulting from the work of its internal Policy Commissions;
- The advocating for a larger and concrete insert of the timber Industry sector in the EC agenda:
- The timber Industry offers multiple responses for facing and tackling major climate change challenges;
- The timber Industry is a full-fledged “Ecosystem” and can legitimately pretend being directly supported through the allocation of resources from the European Recovery Fund;
- The timber industry has a playmaker role in the development of new industrial/economical/social models “after Covid-19”.
- The building of solid communication activities to promote the use of timber;
- The ensuring of constant interaction with EU Authorities, political decision-makers and stakeholders;
- The developing of its membership;
- The consolidation of a modern and financially sustainable Confederation, solidly anchored on basic andtrue associative principles.
More info: Press Release – ETIC to start operations